Google earns 95% of its income from online advertising. Yes that’s true these ads appear on google search engine, publishers website (like this one), RSS Feeds. So if you are serious enough to read more you too can make online income with this online giant, the name of this program is GOOGLE ADSENSE. To sign up for adsense you need to be eligible for it, its criteria is as:
1. You must have a website.
2. Your website must be older than 6 months.
3. Your website must be linked to at least 1 other website. [Read more…]
3 Best SEO Plugins for WordPress Blog
The main objective of any blogger is to focus on increasing web traffic to his blog, so there is a need to follow some strict optimization rules, and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) one of them. Here are some of the best SEO plugins available in wordpress. If you follow them strictly, these plugins are sufficient for you to earn enough traffic from search engines, hence make nice online income.
1. All in One SEO Pack: This plugin will help you to set the info. like keywords, title, description, etc in any post or page, so its a must have plugin for WORDPRESS blog. [Read more…]
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